2009-04-08 15:48:13 UTC
ive taken this test atleast 20 times, and keep on getting most of them wrong.
It is an online driving permits test, and i really need help. Ive read the reading which is 20 pages so many times, but i just cant get it right. Can someone please help?!?! 10 points awarded, and you will seriously be my hero :)
If you would like me to email you the test leave your email, if not here it is..
Question 1
Regulatory signs are used to inform you of:
Laws you must obey
Parking times and limits
Lane usages
All of the above
Question 2
Other than handicapped signs, the color blue is used for:
International routes
Federal Routes
Motorist Roadside Services
Senior Citizen Parking
Question 3
A sign shaped like a pentagon is a:
Speed limit marker
School zone warning
Stop sign
Yield sign
Question 4
If you have a provisional driver license, there is (are):
A special time limit to renew your license
Special restrictions you must follow when driving
Age limits imposed on your driver license
All of the above
Question 5
A GREEN light means:
You may enter the intersection ONLY if you can make it through safely
It is your turn to go
All other traffic must stop for you
None of the above
Question 6
When traffic signals are not working:
Traffic on the major road has right-of-way
All traffic must stop; it is the same as a 4-way stop sign
Be cautious; it is a Yield
All of the above
Question 7
A PAIR of unbroken DOUBLE-yellow lines several feet apart indicates:
No passing
An imaginary wall or divider
Center turn lane ahead
Passenger safety zone
Question 8
A bus may park at a RED curb:
Only when a sign permits it
On Holidays
Question 9
A solid WHITE line, parallel to traffic lanes:
Indicates a “special” lane like a bike lane and may not be crossed
Indicates the left side of the roadway
Indicates the lane is about to end
Indicates a merge area ahead
Question 10
A learner’s permit, for a minor:
Must be held for 6 months, or until age 18
Must be held for 6 months, or until age 16
Permits you to drive with a friend over 18 years of age
Permits you to drive to school alone, on special occasions
Question 11
Your TOTAL hours of driving on a permit, not counting driver training, must be at least:
50 hours
6 hours
56 hours
30 hours
Question 12
Your drivers’ license, as a minor:
Is called a RESTRICTED license
Is called a PROVISIONAL license
Is called a GRADUATED license
Is called a CONDITIONAL license
Question 13
As a minor, getting 2 points on your provisional license means:
You return to learners permit status and can only drive with an adult in the car
Your provisional license will be restricted for 30 days
You must attend Traffic Violator School
Your insurance will be cancelled
Question 14
As a minor with a provisional license, your parents:
Assume financial responsibility for your actions while driving
Can cancel your license anytime they want to
Must sign a legal affidavit that you have had 50 hours of supervised driving
All of the above
Question 15
Habitual truancy, even at age 13, can result in:
Denying you a license until you are 17
Suspending your license for one year, once you get it
Both 1 & 2
Neither 1 & 2
Question 16
Most engines on today’s cars have replaced the carburetor with:
A turbo-charger
A catalytic converter
Fuel Injection
Ram-air induction
Question 17
A catalytic converter is used to:
Minimize harmful pollutants
Improve fuel economy
Make the vehicle quieter
Let you use cheaper gas by converting it into better-burning fuel
Question 18
The major purpose of the battery is to:
Start the vehicle
Provide the electrical needs once the engine is running
Regulate the amount of voltage going to sensitive equipment
Provide the power for power steering and brakes
Question 19
If your car has ABS, it has:
Absolute Braking and Steering
Anti-lock Braking System
Alternator Belt System
Analog Battery System
Question 20
If your red OIL LIGHT comes on it means:
You are out of oil
You are one quart low on oil
Your oil pressure has dropped too low
Your oil filter is due to be changed