Many of us develop attachments to our beloved cars. What do you love about your car?
Ford Service
2008-07-31 20:37:45 UTC
Many of us develop attachments to our beloved cars. What do you love about your car?
77 answers:
Mustang Mike
2008-08-06 18:13:22 UTC
I love the smile it brings to my face when i think of it. The sheer sense of joy and freedom it can bring. Most choose their cars as A to B transport, but for me it is so much more. It's a personal statement about who i am, and can also be shared with others. My current car is a classic 69 Mach 1 Mustang, in Candy-apple Red, with 351 windsor V8. An absolute joy, and one of Ford's finest looking and awe inspiring cars built. Check out my 360 to see the progress of my Mach 1 build up. It's just a few short weeks from hitting the road now.
2008-08-01 00:59:48 UTC
I am very attached to my car. It's a Limited Edition 93 VP Commodore which my Dad bought 2nd hand in 94. He's a mechanic so it's been very well cared for and is practically mint even though it was our family car for over 10 years. I even learnt to drive in it :)

I love my car because it always reminds me of the great times with my family as a kid :) and it's been through A LOT (my Mum is a pretty shocking driver :P!) It's so reliable and I love the fact that I know ALL of it's history ;) Also the private plates on it were my Dad's from his first car and have been on every family car we've had.

Even if I didn't have such an emotional attachment to this car I would still love it, because even though it's relatively old I've been able to make it mine with mags, stereo system and performance exhaust. Plus I know it inside and out from servicing/maintaining it myself.

So basically I love my car because of what I'm able to add/change to make it my own. I love that it's EXACTLY what I want in a car and I've been able to do myself.

Good question :)
2008-08-04 03:55:49 UTC
After driving big cars for the last 10 years at least I recently bought a small car with very clever use of space, it is actually bigger inside that the "big" cars and the boot is very large. I also love the way I sit higher than I did in the other cars. I'm the shortest in the family (174cm) and it's amazing to see my tall teenagers sit in the back and their legs fit in without knocking the driver's seat! Economy, no wasted space and comfort would have to be major issues here. I've had 3 Falcons in my time and while I liked them at the time I feel you need to come up with a design. They look just so boring! I think you need a new image. Also see what the Japs are doing and see how cleverly they make use of space.

My parents' first car was a Ford, back in the 1950's. A Prefect, I think.

Maybe come up with a small LPG dedicated car, or one with solar panels..Something comfortable and cheap to run.

Just my 2 cents worth..
s. m
2008-09-26 11:45:28 UTC
My current car: I love the gas mileage, although there are better ones out there. I also love the smooth ride; the fact that it looks clean even when it's dirty. I like the stereo. It has some various manipulations, to make the songs sound different: Jazzy, rock, pop, etc.

I miss my Silverado p/u though. It had a 6 stack CD player, all electric pkg & seats, nice wheels, custom shell that made it look like a suburban, a beautiful forrest green color,...but only got 12 miles to the gallon. That truck felt more like me than any vehicle I've ever owned. I REALLY miss it. It's in Payson somewhere, I've heard.
2008-08-26 22:55:58 UTC
Not much, especially since Ford plan to sell Volvo . They have changed hands too often, and we drivers pay for it every time with increases in parts prices. I still prefer a motorbike, but there are times when a car is needed, so I have both. Riding is fun and a challenge, driving is a chore and tiring- very dangerous. Cars are not made for easy owner maintenance. They often have poor designs just to make money for the service personnel. Motorcycles are often just too small for my big caucasian hands and fingers, but by choosing carefully and selecting quality rather than outright performance, I can do OK.
Kenneth R C
2008-09-21 20:15:32 UTC
Hello, Ford Service Celebrity official The pride of owner- ship and acomplishment taking care of some-thing. If U work on it w/ buddy or family theres project comradery. Memories of doing things often involve the car. Feel safer than biking & freedom to travel where I want. Bought my first car, '70 Maverick $750 after high school graduation '77. Parents drove '75? Insurance paid 1G & Got '73 model in '78. Got shop manuals 4 them & studied maintenance. Didnt do more than easy things like change filter, oil & spark plugs myself. Recently learned how dangerous plugs can be. After used 2 deliver pizza & '83 crash, '73 got towed 2 junk yard.
2008-09-01 18:07:55 UTC
That they would have to be with out a doubt the most reliable cars ever built. Toyota Landcruiser Utes. I have two. 75 and 79 series. The 75 series i got with 280000kms on the clock. I have put it thru hell and back. Replaced alot of stuff for preventative maintanence and the things i have done to it. It is need of serious body repair as i rolled it a few months back but was still able to drive it home on the back roads. Not legally of course. My 79 series I am yet to really test.

By the way yes ford do suck but........................

They have made a few great cars. GT's namely.
2008-09-26 21:34:51 UTC
It's MINE. I own it free and clear. That's about it.

I know what I want in a car! I had to get a rental for a month for business and since then I desperately want the new Ford Edge. It has everything I want in a new car...leather seats, Sync, user friendly console, buttons on the steering wheel, lots of space in the front for storage...consoles / dash/ overhead/ glove compartment/ cup holders. Huge cargo area in the back and sleek look on the outside. Believe me, I've researched it and built my own over and over. Unfortunately, with everything happening in the financial world in the last month I have to give up on my dream, but that's why I fell in love with that car!

Did I mention it was shiny! :-)
2008-08-04 05:07:40 UTC
I have a 1979 Ford Escort panel van. I like that it's torqey and quick (2 litre with Webers), easy to work on, can U-turn in nothing, doesn't beep and ring at me with warning systems put in for idiots who should die anyway to improve the human race, is REAR WHEEL DRIVE like proper cars should be.

It's still going thirty years after it was built because it doesn't have loads of systems that give very little benefit, but cost lots to fix. The blinkers are where other drivers can see them, not contained within the headlights like on the designed-by-girls-and-marketing-wankers modern car.

I don't like it that Ford can't sell me any spare parts.
2008-07-31 20:40:09 UTC
I love that my car can get me anywhere I want to go. It's the best form of independence. I also love that my car is small and doesn't need too much petrol which is a godsend in this expensive climate. I call my car Hedwig, because it's white and the number plate has 'Owl' in it so it makes me think of Hedwig from Harry Potter.
2008-09-14 17:18:51 UTC
I love my car because it is always reliable. I had a 90 Buick Skylark. It got close to 30 mpg and would always start no matter how hot or cold it was. I also loved that it was a American brand and was not a ford or dodge.
2008-09-02 15:06:07 UTC
That it's NOT a GAS-GUZZLING F O R D ..

Ford could have led the world into what it needs: cars that PERFORM very well and DO NOT use gasoline, but use a cheap, renewable energy source like Hydrogen . But instead Ford played "footsie" with the Oil Companies and made Excursions and Expeditions and other truly OSTENTATIOUS cars which are the opposite of what the world needs, especially in the USA. Ford made its bed so now it can die in it because they won't get any of my business until they make what we need. I have a SUV that pull my boat easily and uses half the gas of the Explorer I got rid of.
2008-08-16 13:38:15 UTC
My 2007 honda civic EX coupe! Her name is Connie. I like Connie so much because she is small just like me!!! My car really just fits me. (atomic blue) A perfect first car, I have had her for a year and a half. If I could only keep her clean I would be very happy. The sprinklers always go on or the birds dung on my car. Poor Connie.
Nikita (Australian)
2008-07-31 20:40:32 UTC
I love that my car is small, but still spacious inside. It is designed well.

Because of this, it doesn't use much petrol and best of all it fits into tiny parking places in the city, saving me lots of time (and my sanity!).

It was relatively inexpensive to buy it new, has never broken down and is very inexpensive to insure.
2008-09-27 11:39:20 UTC
I love my '06 Monte Carlo! She's red w/ black racing stripes down the hood and the trunk. Plus, I love her dark tint and the pipes on it. She's kinda loud but I absolutely love my car. I love all the compliments I get too. Everyone usually think I'm driving my boyfriends car, but nope she's all mine.
2008-08-18 16:56:42 UTC
My car is a 1997 Volvo 850 Turbo. I like watching the needle climb on the boost gauge when i floor it, and I like that it is pretty much bulletproof. It was also the last year Volvo actually made their cars before they went to sh$t when ford bought them out.
AJ Barnessy
2008-09-02 17:07:33 UTC
I love my car- Donovan, 2000 mazda 121- because he's been through every type of situation with me.

i learnt to dive in him, he's moved me interstate without complaint(twice), he still beats most cars off the line when your s*** stirring people, he's the perfect size for mooching, holds two surfboards (granted, they have to hang out the window some...), is easy on the fuel (two weeks on a single tank), it's easy to change his tyres, easy to change the oil, hes just a brilliant little rig.

a mechanic once told me all cars are girls, because they do nothing but suck up all your money. i disagree, all cars are boys- once you know what to do, they'll obey your every command :)

i love my donovan :D
2008-09-03 21:26:32 UTC
I love my car because we have been together for a long time. It keeps itself in good shape by letting me know when it needs servicing. It never breaks down on me. When I forget where I am going, it keeps going straight until I find my way again. It is comfortable. I take care of it and it knows it. It has never let me down!
2008-08-17 10:13:22 UTC
i have a 1992 Toyota Hilux.

i love that i can take it anywhere (on road and off) It hasn't broken down on me and when i push it to the limit, it always wants to keep going. i call it the black stallion and my friends call it the dead black pony. my car looks like it should be in the dump but it still runs like new and i love that i can always rely on it starting up even in the coldest of mornings. everything works, I've done my fair share of fix ups. its a car that you really can't judge by its exterior. lastly i just love that its MINE.
2008-08-06 22:13:58 UTC
Most everything!! the only thing i'm not too happy about right now is the four wheel rive isn't working. Proud owner of my 1999 Ford Ranger 4x4.
2008-08-03 21:49:13 UTC
I drive a 1996 Ford EF Futura. I love my car because it is the most reliable and safe car I have had. It looks better than all the other fords in the E series and definetly better looking than the AU.

I love it because it is more reliable than a holden.

2008-09-26 13:33:48 UTC
I was previously a ford person but changed to Holden (in Australia or GM in US) VT Commodore wagon. It felt aggressive on the road and strongly built. It was more a young persons wagon to throw the surfboard in, than the traditional family wagon usually built.
2008-09-24 06:30:06 UTC
I have a 93' BMW. I love my car simply because it is my 1st car. It needs a few odds and ends (i.e CD PLAYER, still has the tape deck,lol) but it still rides great.
2008-08-04 04:38:43 UTC
Reliability. Quality of service. Oh, reliability. And not a car from a US manufacturer. But given the choice between a Ford / Holden winning... It's Ford. Oh, sorry Holden drivers... You all call your great AUSTRALIAN car the "General" for a reason.
2008-09-22 13:35:48 UTC
my car doesn't have power windows, or a central lucking system

i have to tell my friends to lock the door before they leave every time we go out, and if i want to role down the back door windows i have to stop by somewhere and do it


I love my 04 corolla :)

I don't know what i would do without it
2008-08-17 08:27:53 UTC
The sound the torque the big back tyres the Aussie straight six and because its an Aussie falcon ute.

Also because I rebuilt the motor the way i want it with lumpy cam and big 2barrel carby.

I don't like V6s front wheel drive or gadgety crap
2008-09-20 04:20:58 UTC
RWD is my most loved thing in my car. That and an aircon that lasts more than 5 years.
2008-09-08 20:37:35 UTC
That pretty hard question because they are lots of things i like about my car, including:

- Sub woofer

- dvd/cd player

- game console

- and the V8 motor
2008-09-25 13:05:20 UTC
It's an 8 cylinder!
2008-09-21 09:23:18 UTC
We have 2

1997 Blazer (I drive it most the time) my favorite thing about it is that I can go anywhere our other truck goes because it is 4WD.

1984 Chevrolet Truck - Again, it is 4WD, but I love the HUGE brush guard and winch on it - we've only been stuck once, but the winch earned its $600.00 price tag just for getting us out that one time!
2008-07-31 21:11:19 UTC
The performance and the way its styled. Also when the sun sets it gives my car an awesome color.
2008-07-31 23:14:04 UTC
The heaters are great on a cold morning going to work and

its got pop up headlights
2008-07-31 20:42:17 UTC
i like my van because... well its comfortable, i can make the back seat into a bed, (many uses) it has a tv, i could hook up anything to that.....and its powerfull. and suprisingly good on gas. i call her Helga. she looks like a fat german lady (no offence. just that if there is a fat german lady that looks like my van.... yea) its a Chevy Astro. with the high top. so i have plenty of room back there to kindof stand up. love Helga. well thats my answer.
2008-08-09 17:30:44 UTC
The style of the car, the lines, curves and stance gives my 71' falcon a real tough auzzie muscle car appeal.
Taylor M
2008-08-01 14:21:42 UTC
Other than its not a Ford?

I love that it suits me, that its sporty but not a flashy idiot-mobile. Its reasonably balanced between performance and economy, and all fun to drive.
El Griton
2008-09-26 15:28:46 UTC
I love the fact that it starts right up and has auto choke
2008-09-15 15:16:33 UTC
Smooth, comfortable ride, easy to operate, good gas mileage, color (inside and out), push button seat adjustments, no blind spots.
2008-09-25 14:14:12 UTC
ha! that bastard of a car is in the junk yard. I have to walk everywhere I go now.
2008-09-23 09:13:50 UTC
i love the neatness and the sound of the engine of my charming and fanciful.i love my car.
2008-08-12 04:31:37 UTC
i love my car because whenever i try and go somewhere important it decides it doesnt want to, but funnilly enough it only happens when i need to go somewhere important...haha
2008-08-06 16:08:20 UTC
I do like my car but i love my motorcycle
2008-09-23 07:25:32 UTC
It being fire engine red and it being a '64 Corvette convertible.
2008-09-22 12:00:30 UTC
i like my car for its smelly love stains in the back.
2008-08-09 02:55:25 UTC
the note my little corona makes with its extractors and the two and a quater exhaust and my massive dumber on the rear aspesialy when you flore it from the lights
Johnny B
2008-07-31 21:03:51 UTC
Raw power and torque!! I love the way it launches off the line. The sound of the exhaust isn't too bad either. =)
2008-09-18 15:51:15 UTC
What I love about my Lexus is it ride very smooth, it is comfortable on all trips. I really love it because I do not owe anyone.........It's mine.
Pool Guy
2008-08-01 07:06:30 UTC
It's not rusting like a Territory, doesn't drive like a boaty falcon, doesn't burn fuel like a Ranger, is a hell of a lot safer in a crash than a Festiva, and has some resale value unlike anything Ford makes.
2008-09-22 15:40:11 UTC
i love that it takes me to places and leave peoples jaw dropped. And the gps in it and the tints, bass and the fact that im the one driving it :D
Cyrus the Virus
2008-09-30 07:10:26 UTC
i'm not materialistic, i just love my car cause i love people watching me when i drive.
2008-09-13 03:12:22 UTC
i love the way Elderly people and young children run for their lives when I start it up!
2008-08-27 19:44:06 UTC
What do I love most about my car? ITS NOT A FORD!!!
Ninja Man 21
2008-08-17 20:59:46 UTC
me...i use to have a old ford falcon, she looked ruff but ran smooth as whistle... she's gone now ;(

(im not old by way,lol)
krystal j
2008-07-31 20:39:40 UTC
In dash DVD player! 7" touch screen!!
2008-08-28 02:30:15 UTC
that it is no longer a gas guzzling FORD, but an economical Camry 2.4 litre
2008-08-22 01:39:55 UTC
ur love ur car because that's ur own car.. u lived with it for such a long time..
2008-08-26 02:53:20 UTC
The fact that I don't have to Fix Or Repair it Daily
2008-07-31 20:52:55 UTC
the drivers seat of course
SpareHead1 aka someone else
2008-07-31 21:10:59 UTC
The big chrome bumper and grille.
2008-09-24 21:15:56 UTC
Ceducerwitheyestokill T
2008-09-27 21:24:42 UTC
nothing. i have a 91 bucket ready to blow any day
2008-09-29 12:00:25 UTC
i love my car .i dont know why .
2008-09-25 13:02:13 UTC
the touch navigation/dvd player

10 inch!!!
2008-08-25 16:55:10 UTC
It reminds me of my family.
2008-08-01 03:19:34 UTC
the 260kw donk and the sound it makes.

when i floor it it sends shivers down my spine and makes me smile!
2008-08-21 12:24:02 UTC
my 1965 chevy nova... what i love about it it has 400horsepower AND MORE TO COME! and it sounds loud as ****. tons of torque and tons of excitement. ........ AMERICAN.. MUSCLE!
george p
2008-08-30 04:40:18 UTC
spoilers and alloy wheels
2008-09-11 21:44:18 UTC
its reliability, never gave me unpleasant surprises.
mystique, supervillainess
2008-07-31 20:42:45 UTC
take me home and take me to work,. comes very handy
2008-08-24 20:24:57 UTC
ilike it bcz its min
2008-09-15 11:56:35 UTC
my bf in it......I loves when he I'm lazy bone sometimes
2008-09-29 11:05:32 UTC
2008-08-08 02:26:29 UTC
my holden bench seat ;)
Captain Nemo
2008-08-06 04:34:15 UTC
What do i love about my car??? the fact that its not a Ford!!
2008-09-27 14:44:33 UTC
That it is paid for!!
Mike C
2008-08-21 22:26:28 UTC
it's fast as hell
2008-08-03 04:55:57 UTC
it's a Holden
2008-07-31 20:40:38 UTC
You mean the one I don't have


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