I deliberately haven't looked at your thoughts yet, but will after I post mine.
Pay-as-you-go, or as I like to call it, P.A.Y.N. (ie Pay-As-You-Need) will undoubtedly ease congestion because all the rich folks will fork-out willy-nilly while moaning about it going from A to B to....wherever and whenever they please whilst the poverty-stricken paupers are, if GPS-controlled, off the roads counting our precious pennies or doing major detours to avoid the tolls by sticking to minor roads (thereby contributing more to pollution, personal costs, back-road wear 'n' tear, increased traffic jams ('cos these roads aren't designed for it), increased road-rage, increased car maintenance and repair costs, etc.).
So, PAYN will be a pain - but more so for us poor than the privileged rich. It's dangerously unfair and socially divisive.
But don't worry, Transport Minister wee Dougie Alexander is my MP and he wont be getting my vote at the next election. Isn't democarcy great!!!
To address your second question, can more be done....? YES, and far more fairly.
I must confess to having stolen this crazy idea from channel Five's Matt Wright this morning, but it's good and much fairer. He reckons that if there must be a scheme to reduce congestion, then lets do it on the basis of car colour, or your registration plate ending in an odd or even number, or something like that where cars are banned completely from being on the road every other day based on the set criteria.
For example, cars with registrations ending in an odd number may travel on Monday, Wed, Fri, Sun, Tue, etc. and viceversa. That way, no-one pays an extra tax and the poor aren't disproportionately disadvantaged.
This way, people will be encouraged to car-share amicably and socially. Not sure if it would work - but I LIKE IT better than wee Dougie's government proposals. OK, I'm going for a read at your blog now....
....and, I approve of almost all that you put, I'm glad not to have repeated anything:))
But (and there's always a "but"), I reckon it's too dangerous Ben to allow people to rely solely on "...common sense..." (Point 3) when in a car. In my experience, sense aint all that common whether someone's behind the wheel or not. Better to make set rules that people can read and break at their (and our) risk, punishable of course by a penalty slightly short of death (please laugh, or at least scoff a wee bit). Keep up the good work Ben, and send your blog to the Minister, local MP, MEP, etc.
Hey, maybe we have to rely on the European Parliament to come up with something sensible - that would be a first, eh?