2009-09-03 07:18:43 UTC
It was 40 for sure in the first half, but then in the 2nd half I didn't notice any signs indicating that the limit had dropped to 30, but then on the way back, there were signs saying so (on my side of the road that was previously the side for oncoming traffic).
I didn't notice the cameras flash, but then it was in broad daylight, so would I even notice them flashing if they did?
I was doing about 35 too, for sure, because I have a habit of checking my speedometer whenever I slow down, and I had to slow down as the car infront did so.
5 miles an hour in my opinion is neither here nor there, but obviously in the eyes of the law it's an entirely different story.
And so, my question to you is;
Will I get a ban?
Will I get points?
Will I get a fine?
Is it even possible that I even got caught?