I had read an article that explains that in the future hydrogen cars will take over gasoline or other fuels on cars. IF that happens cars will be very slow and have no acceleration. Hydrogen cars have 100 hp and go 0-60 in 16 seconds. Racing and fun with cars will not exist. Why cant they just make bio diesel and ethonal. Both fuels dont pollute the envirement and have the same power of gasoline and diesel. Cars of the future will suck if hydrogen cars will take over all these fuels. Also i found out that the manual transmission will be obsolete when this type of car comes out. The fun of driving will be gone. Why will this happen or will it happen? Also i know there is an electric car that can beat a ferrri but, its top speed cannot beat the ferrri. Biodisel, Natural gas, and Ethonal should be the fuels of the future. Electric cars might have speed but, they have no torque to pull things