Happy Moth
2009-05-01 02:47:20 UTC
"Tomtom One: UK, ROI and Western Europe"
I don't go to Europe regularly, but I felt it was worth getting a Sat Nav that could take me around France or Spain should I ever need it. The Sat Nav came through the post, it looked lovely and I've been using it for the last two weeks to get to areas in Yorkshire I've never been.
However, I've only just noticed that nowhere on the packaging or product does it mention that it can go to Western Europe Whatsoever. It just says "Tomtom ONE classic - United Kingdom - Republic of Ireland". I tried to type "Paris" into the City Destination section and it didn't kno what I was on about.
Even more interestingly, the parcel summary that came with the Tomtom says "Tomtom Once Classic UK ROI Silver". I don't want to go to Silver. I want to go to Europe. Why doesn't it say Europe? Have they delivered the wrong product?
Help. Please.