- You're in control. You can make better decisions than an automatic transmission, and can shift much, much faster than an automatic transmission can, if you wish to take your technique to that level. For this reason:
- It's a heck of a lot more fun!!!
- You may get a slight insurance discount. The idea, I think, is that your average car thief can't drive a manual.
- Manual transmission repair costs are typically half that of automatic transmission.You can Google some stats of your own.
- People don't want to borrow your car if it's a manual. :)
- It takes a while to "really get it right." You'll be doing OK initially after an hour or so, but getting the hang of it takes a couple thousand miles, less if you do a lot of city (vs. highway) travel. How good you get at it is entirely up to you.
- You may never get over a moment of... concern... when you're stopped on an incline with a car mere feet behind you. See, for the first couple thousand miles, you're going to slide backward a bit.
- People will want you to move stuff with your truck because it's a manual. :)
If you get a manual transmission, do this first. On a flat surface - preferably a mostly-empty parking lot:
a) press the clutch to the floor and keep it there.
b) start the vehicle and put it into first.
c) do NOT press the accelerator, but release the clutch very, very, very slowly until the vehicle begins to move
d) pat yourself on the back; you've mastered lesson one. :) Now you can move on to using the gas pedal. Don't be discouraged; first is the hardest gear to get down!